
Our biggest event of the year is Gala Day on Saturday 25th May. To find out more click: here. The 潑請弝け College P&F is a vibrant group of parents and carers who are committed to strengthening the partnership between family, the College and the wider community. Every year our P&F organises terrific events to help raise funds and promote unity and spirit. We aim to build a friendly and welcoming community which seeks to involve all our members while fostering life long friendships and memories.We hope your family will come along and enjoy these events with us! We welcome your involvement in all our community activities and know that many hands make light work. Carina Morales, President P&F 潑請弝け College

The 潑請弝け College P&F Golf Day is on Friday 23rd August at Lynwood Golf & Country Club, Pitt Town. We hope you can join us for a day of golf, fun and socialising. Make a team, come as a single or sponsor your business. We also welcome visitors who may wish to come for lunch. 

Save the Date for 2024 Events

Saturday 23rd March - Welcome to 2024 Event

Saturday 25th May - Gala Day

Friday 23rd August - Golf Day

Monday 9th December - Christmas @ 潑請弝け

You are invited to join other parents, College Leadership Team members and your P&F parent committee volunteers, for a twice-a-term meeting held in the early evening in the College Library.

Every parent is welcome:

Tuesday 13th February 
Wednesday 27th March
Wednesday 8th May
Wednesday 19th June
Wednesday 14th August
Wednesday 18th September
Wednesday 6th November (AGM)

Have your say - joining the 潑請弝け College Parents & Friends Association takes just two minutes:

潑請弝け College Parents and Friends Association Incorporated membership application form

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